Research & Consultancy
I come from a Bengali Brahmin family. We are Radhi brahmins. We are Bharadvaj Gotra Mukhopadhyay/ Mukherjee Brahmins.

What Mukhopadhyay Means
Mukhopadhyay is a compound of two words: mukha (referring to our ancestral village Mukhati) and upadhyay (meaning teacher).
How Mukhopadhyay became Mukherjee
Upadhyay is also same as Jha [Sanskrit: Upadhyay --> Ardha-Magadhi Prakrit: Ovajhye/Jha]
Hence Mukhopadhyay was also pronounced as mukovajhye or mukkujye-the latter being still used today although infrequently.
The British spelt Mukujye as Mukherji (the British approximation of the pronunciation). Hence Mukhopadhyay is same as Mukherji.
Tradition has it that 34 generations ago from my time, my great ancestor Shrinivas Mukhati migrated to Bengal (Radh region or Western Bengal) from some place called Kolancha which people usually associated with Kanya-kubja/ Kanauj in Uttar Pradesh.
Till a few generations ago we were also known as Kanojagata Brahmins (Brahmins who came from Kanauj), although there is no evidence in my possession to say whether Kolancha means Kanuaj or some other place.
I can trace my family history back to approximately 9th century CE, and I am a 35th generation Mukhopadhyay.
Generation 34: Gourisankar Mukhopadhyay (1947-2023) - Biography
Ancestral List / Vertical Genealogy
Generation | Name | Approximate Period | Known Location |
1 | Shrinivas Mukhati | 9th century | Mukhati Village, Bankura District |
2 | Medhatithi | 9th century | |
3 | Abara | 10th century | |
4 | Shrivikram | 10th century | |
5 | Kak | 10th century | |
6 | Badhu/Dhadu | 11th century | |
7 | Gui | 11th century | |
8 | Madhavacharya | 12th century | |
9 | Kolahal/Kolahan | 12th century | |
10 | Utsaha | 12th century | |
11 | Mahadev | 13th century | |
12 | Ishvar | 13th century | |
13 | Vishveshvar | 13th century | |
14 | Bhava | 14th century | |
15 | Pashupati | 14th century | |
16 | Krishna | 14th century | |
17 | Maheshvar | 15th century | Kanchrapara, North 24 Parganas |
18 | Hari Mishra | 15th century | |
19 | Kamdev Pandit | 15th/16th century | Khardah, North 24 Parganas |
20 | Bharat | 16th century | |
21 | Ramakant/Ramnath | 16th century | |
22 | Kalachand | 16th century | Jessore, present day Bangalesh |
23 | Rukminikanta | 17th century | |
24 | Rameshvar | 17th century | |
25 | Muniram | 17th century | |
26 | Siddheshvar | 18th century | |
27 | Anupchand | 18th century | |
28 | Dharanidhar | 18th century | Krishnanagar, Nadia District |
29 | Krishnadhar | 18th century | |
30 | Govinda Chandra | 19th century | |
31 | Anukul Chandra | 19th century | Chandannagar, Hooghly District |
32 | Nalindranath | 19th century | |
33 | Bholanath | 20th century | |
34 | Gourisankar | 20th to 21st century | |
35 | Subhodeep Mukhopadhyay | 20th to 21st century | Kolkata |
Published on 8th October, 2024